Posted by: Joe | October 26, 2006

Are you listening Microsoft?

Last 3 search terms to find my blog:

” ie7 move refresh button”
“ie7 refresh button in wrong place”
“ie7 refresh stop”

I told you so.


  1. I don’t know what’s more annoying..

    the fact that you haven’t provided an answer to whether or not you can or cannot move the refresh button


    The fact that you have 27 separate URLs showing up on a google search pointing back to the same page to find on your page that you haven’t provided an answer to whether or not you can or cannot move the refresh button

  2. That makes me sick, I had to hack the registry to move the menu bar to the top, a thing that was possible in 1995 is more complicated in 2006. I am a fan of microsoft but they dropped the ball with ie7. They can give us the default settings they want but they have to let us change them if we want.

    Go Firefox!

  3. I agree with Eric from september 12th. Yay, you, you got a lot of blog hits.

  4. I don’t know what’s more annoying:

    The fact that you didn’t bother to read, or lacked the comprehension skills necessary to understand that NO THERE IS NO SOLUTION TO YOUR PROBLEM. That was my entire original point.


    The fact that you lack any kind of understanding of how the web works. I didn’t create all of the different URLs you’re seeing in your search. That would be a side-effect of how Google and WordPress work together.

    Eric and Crystal suck at the internet.

  5. Loved your blog, bumped in to it two three times on my search. Still – as of Jan. 2008 – no answer to this as I can see :)
    If there is one feel free to drop me a mail will ya?


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